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MS office 2021 무료 for Mac (2022년 1월까지)


by amanda.hyon 2021. 4. 26. 01:26




Overview of Office 2021 for Mac (Preview) - Deploy Office

Technical guidance for IT Pros about the preview version of Office 2021 for Mac


MS office 2021 프리뷰 버전이 2022년 1월17일까지 기능제한 없이 Mac에서는 무료입니다.


아래 링크에서 패키지를 다운받아 설치해주시면 됩니다.


To install Office 2021 for Mac (Preview), perform the following steps:

  1. Download the installer package file for Office 2021 for Mac (Preview), and then install on the device. Or, if you have Office 2019 for Mac installed on the device, update your existing installation to at least Version 16.48.
  2. Download the Volume License (VL) Serializer package file, which is named Microsoft_Office_2021_Preview_VL_Serializer.pkg and is approximately 13 MB in size.
  3. Run the VL Serializer package file on the device to activate Office 2021 for Mac (Preview). Once activated, the About dialog for the app will show Preview 2021 as the license type.


위 설치 내용을 요약하자면...


1. office 2021 버전의 설치 패키지를 다운로드 받아 설치합니다. 

2. 볼륨라이센스 패키지파일을 다운로드 받아 라이센스를 적용합니다.




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