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파이참(pycharm)의 python console 실행시 에러


by amanda.hyon 2021. 5. 12. 00:06


pydevd_resolver.py:127: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
  if found.get(name) is not 1:



pydevd_resolver.py:138: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="? if found.get(name) is not 1:

new to python and using Pycharm 2019.1.3 professional and Python 3.8.0 get the following error when I open Python Console does anyone know how to fix this? C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2019.1.3\


원인은 2019 이하버전의 파이참에서 파이썬3.8 버전을 사용해서 생기는 문제 


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